Iframes show an entire webpage in a box within another webpage, the new Gamerstorm website uses 2, one for the menu, and the other for the content, your browser (or browser version) is probably too old to support iframes, you need to upgrade, if you can't, click the link that's been provided... twice.
Your computer resolution is too small, the minimal resolution requirement is 1280 x 800, if your computer doesn't support a resolution that high, sorry, you're going to have to stick with normal mode.
Well, my HTML is pretty basic, I can't create a database and use it as of yet, but I might learn it, and eventually create one...
Well, we're total retro heads over here at Gamerstorm, especially Cobra!, he's even set his Firefox theme to Netscape, what does that tell you? Back to the point, it doesn't cost money, so why not?
Well, we sort of am, you can just visit the website in it's old layout by clicking... well, "Old Layout", and don't worry, we won't discontinue support for it.