Keno the Cat - Comic Specials

Keno the Cat Red Nose Day 2011: Luca Kitesun was wearing a red nose and was in front of a camera in his bed room, '...So yeah, I'll do anything you suggest to me for Red Nose Day 2011, Just Comment something below, and I'll do it. See you guys on Red Nose Day!' Luca finished his speech for a video he's filming for Youtube. The next day, he was on his computer, reading the comments he received for that video, ''Jump off my roof and land on my head'!?' Luca read out in disbelief, he sighed, 'Well, I said I would do anything...'. Later that day, Luca was standing on the roof of his house, Keno Dawting was on his back garden, holding a camera up, 'Is it recording?' asked Luca, 'Yep, it's rolling' replied Keno, 'Are you sure you want to do this?', 'Sure I am, it's for charity after all!' said Luca, he was ready to jump off 'Okay, here goes... JERONIMO!!!'...
Red Nose Day 2011 Special
Keno the Cat Halloween Special 2011: One Halloween Night, Keno Dawting and Luca Kitesun, dressed up as Batman and Max from Sam and Max respectively, go out trick or treating, they come up to a door, they knock it, as the door opens 'Trick or Treat!' both Keno and Luca say, then the owner of the house throws something in Lucas bas, it was too big to be candy, 'Here ya go!' the house owner says, then slams the door, Luca then digs into his trick or treat bag to find out what it is, he pulls it out, it was a Commodore Amiga CD32, 'A Commodore Amiga CD32!!!' Luca shouts with joy, 'I've always wanted one of these...', Keno sighed. The End.
Halloween 2011 Special
It was Christmas day, Luca Kitesun was very exited, he wanted a laptop this Christmas, and the first thing he saw, was a box, the size of a laptop, he was very exited, he shredded the wrapping paper off and then... 'A DELL!?' he shouted with anger.
Christmas 2011 Special