This the FAQ section, for those who have played the game and descovered the many problems with it.

I've installed the game, and when I tried it, it comes up with an error saying: 'Application installation did not succeed. Cannot locate application files on the server.' What does this mean?

Basicly, it means your program is not installed properly, the files must've been played about with and put in the wrong place, either that or the application is searching the wrong place to download the files, either way, we're probably to blame for that, sorry! We'll try to fix the problem as soon as we can, you can Contact Us about the problem, and we'll do what we can from there.

When I open up the game, it doesn't start up, why not?

There's probably a component in the game that isn't compatible with your computer, but it doesn't give you any form of indication. Open up command prompt, drag the .exe file into it and press enter, it should give you an error in that, once you get it, contact us and type the error in the "Message text" part of the form, and we'll take it from there.

Either that of that there's something in the game that we forgot to take out, like a reference that doesn't come with the .NET framework, if so, we might of fixed the problem, so download the game again, and the error whould be fixed. If it still doesn't start up, then contact us about the problem, and we'll look into it.

When I try and install the game, it's saying I need 2GB free space for the game, is the demo really that big? I don't have that much space left on my hard drive, but It must be one heck of a demo!

Setup requires 2124MB of free space on your hard drive

Well, sorry to disappoint you, but the demo isn't actually that big, the reason it's that big is because of the framework it uses; the .NET framework, if you already have this framework, than you don't need that much space.

When I try and install the game, the following error comes up:

Unable to install of run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GamerServices Version

Why is it doing that and what do I do now?

It's saying it needs GamerServices (Obviously) and that the .NET framework doesn't have it, luckily, the game itself doesn't need it, so it's taken out in an updated version, just download the game again, and it should be fixed.

When I try and start the game, it comes up with the following error message:

Cannot continue. The application is improperly formatted. Contect the application vendor for assistance.

What the does that mean?

It means the site it's searching for to check for updates is down, we apologise for this, if this is happening, contact us and We'll do what we can.

This game sucks! I want the 2 minutes of my life I wasted on this game back!

Sorry, they're lost forever, let's be brutally honest, you'd probably waste them anyway!

Didn't find what you're looking for? Then
Contact Us about the problem, and we'll try and fix it and add it to the FAQ.
Thanks to Stevenmca for providing the error message screenshots!