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Main » 2011 » May » 13 » An Explanation for the long absense...
An Explanation for the long absense...
11:10:52 PM

Okay, I've promised that the Rossies 2 demo will come out by the end of April, and it never came, and I never said a word about it since (unless you watch me on DeviantART) and the site had been pretty much dead for half a month, and I think you guys deserve an explanation.

I have several reasons for the absence, one of them is Portal 2, I recently got it and I am seriously addicted to it, I just don't want to stop playing, it's a fantastic game.

Another reason, and this one is actually important, is that my exams are coming up, although one of them I've already done, I've been busy studying for my exams to worry about the site or the Rossies 2 demo, I think we all agree that my exams are far more important.

As for the Rossies 2 Demo, well, the demo is actually done, the problem is publishing it, everything I try don't work out, when I try installing the game on another computer, it just doesn't play, I'm in the middle of fixing it. To make up for the delay, I'm going to add an update system, so the game checks for updates, so you won't have to go back to this site to check if a later version has come out, as you might of guessed, this will also be in the full game, why wouldn't it?

So that's my excuse, I seriously apologise for all this, I'm going to seriously pick up the pace and get Rossies 2 out there into the world, right after my exams...

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 545 | Added by: Cobra | Rating: 0.0/0
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