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Main » 2008 » June » 02

Ok Since I never Update My Site THat Much, So I might As Well Do This.
First of All They'll Be No VIdeos From me for a While... Unless Youtube get's their head out their arses and fix this uploader problem, I've Uploaded Series4 Heat A about 5 Times, and Never Appeared ¬.¬, and a New Gamerstorm Presents Video I've Uploaded says It's Processing, But It's Stayed Like That for Hours.

Anyways, I've Been Very Busy Making New Gamerstorm Pics, VV Scroll Down To See Them VV


Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 449 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 01 June 2008 | Comments (0)

I've all of a sudded have the urge to make Mort GS pics, Posssibly Because I was Very Bored (I think We Know Who to Blame On That...) And I Made a New ICW Intro Pic:
I know It's a Bit Biast, But I'll Make More Soon...
I Also Made a Gamerstorm Presents Video (The Last Was Just To Long) But due to the Faulty Youtube Uploader, I can't show You it ¬.¬, Anyway, I can Show you the Pic That's In it:
I'll Give you The Link To the VIdeo Once It's FInally Uploaded Properly ¬.¬
And I Also Made a New Gamerstorm Banner:
I'm Also Making Alot More Stuff...
Attachments: Image 1 ·Image 2 ·Image 3
Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 445 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 01 June 2008 | Comments (0)

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«  June 2008  »


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