Hi guys, I thought it'd make a Development Blog for my upcoming games, this will be a new article series. Hey, it keeps me updating the site, right? Now I only there's someone who actually reads these...
Anyway, I'm having a some problems with the coding, as I can't get the Kruncanites to show/draw, usually at this point I'd give up, but I'm not, I'm surprised by that as well, anyway, I'm looking into that problem, but everything else is working fine, and this game has a new convienient feature that the origonal didn't, it actually PAUSES! That's right, I managed to get the game to pause properly, so that's an improvement. I could never do that on Scratch, well maybe I could, I'll try for the Scratch version of Rossies 2, but let's not get off topic.
As for other changes/additions/improvements to the origonal:
It will have a menu screen with more game modes
It will features custom made sprites and music, I'm gonna make sure everything custom built, I don't wanna infringe any copyright, it's gonna be on Steam (Hopefully) and Xbox Live Arcade, and I'm gonna be making money from this, I could actually get sued by using 3rd party content, so I better be careful about what I add.
It will have a higher resolution: Rossies 1 had a 480 x 360 resolution, Rossies 2 will have a 1280 x 720 resolution, huge improvement, isn't it?
More overall content, Scratch only allows up to 10mb, XNA allows up to 150mb, not to mention the games take up less space, this game gives a great example of this, The Scratch version of Rossies 2 so far is 6.54mb, the PC/Xbox 360/Zune version of Rossies 2 as it is right now is only 5.45kb, I'm not joking!
So far I only have the Gun on the screen and the background, even then, the Gun doesn't animate perfectly, but since tha game's only on ALPHA stage, it'll do for now. Here's a Screenshot:
Looking alright, isn't it? Sure, it's not using those "custom made" images I mentioned earlier, but I'll make/add those later, for now, I'm focusing on the gameplay, no point doing otherwise, I would bore you to death explaining how, but it's best that I leave it.
Also, I've made a new logo for the game, I've basicly grabbed the Rossies logo, and added a 2, not much, but I thought I'd show you it anyway:
One last thing, this is a little off topic but, I'm applying for a "Build your own PC" course at Metropolitan college, that'd help me chase my dream of creating a games console, and maybe I can develop for it as well. Of course I need to learn how to makes games without the XNA framework first, but I'm not going that far that quickly.