We're back, FINALLY! We've decided to rearrange to games section of the site, and add an e-magazine section. In the games section, you can now search a game by platform and the E-Magazine section, is about, well, the official Gamerstorm e-magazine, which will be coming soon. They're not finished, but they'll do.
Also, I've pretty much finished the ICW Season 2 Wii vs. NES Request on Scratch, just need to record it and redub it into a video format, and uplaod it to youtube, so expect a new video from me sometime this week. Speaking of, I havn't made a video in quite a while, and I've been getting alot of subscribers lately (I have 118 as I type this), So I thought, Since they're wanting a new videos from me (at least I think they want new videos from me and not that they subscribe just for sub4subs) I'll give them some.