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Our survey
What're your favourtte Gamerstorm Series?
1. International Console Wrestling (ICW)
2. Robostorm
3. Extreme Console Ganstars (ECG)
4. Rossies Licensed Game Series
5. Sketchskratch
6. The World's Worst Video Gamer (TWWVG)
7. Kittyscratch
Total of answers: 25

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After days of hard, tiring work of HTML coding, I've finally finished the new Gamerstorm website,, well mostly, and if you ask me, it's my best work yet, website-wise (which is probably why you havn't asked me), It's using a style similar to that of site such as the Kombat Pavilion and the origonal Total Mortal Kombat website, I've used 2 Iframes, 1 for the navigation windows, and the other's for the actual content, in other words, there's a navigation bar at the left, and the content is almost as if it's from a differant window, no matter what page you go on that, the Navigation bar will remain. I've always thought that was an awesome style of page, and since I've learnt alot of HTML lately, naturally, I would use it for this site, so I have, and more is to come from this, I'm going to add a forum, a page about the History of Gamerstorm, and I'll make sure I'll get every small detail in!

If you don't like this new layout however, you can easily change back if you like, and I'll never discontinue support for it, any new update I make here will go there as well.

It's still under construction, so alot of the pages will just have 'Coming Soon' on them.

So yeah, tell me what you think of this new layout via the old layout's comments sections, I've still to do one here.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 692 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 14 November 2010 | Comments (0)

I made this just a few minutes ago, it took me hours, but I'm proud of the end result.

This is the intro you will see at the start of all of our future games, except with sound.

Just for the sake of it, here's the origonal GIF verison:
Click here for the full size image

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 619 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 15 October 2010 | Comments (0)

Just a quick update. If you havn't alreaddy noticed, I've added a "Bookmark" button, so that if you ever wanna share any news about Gamerstorm to your friends and family, (I'm not sure why you would, but the option is there) you can!

So far it doesn't actually "bookmark" the desired article, it just does the whole webpage, nothing too major if your doing the latest article, but we're working on it.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 1566 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 14 September 2010 | Comments (0)

I should've posted this earlier, but I forgot all about it.

I'm taking a little break, because it was my birthday, and, naturally, I get presents, and I'm a little occupied with them right now. Do you wanna know what I got? No? Well, I'm telling you anyway:

From Gamestation:
  • Black [Xbox]
  • Ed, Edd N Eddy: The Mis-Edventures [Playstation 2]
From Amazon/Ebay:
  • Headhunter [Dreamcast]
  • Pokémon Channel [Gamecube] (Call me weird, but I actually think that game looks cool)
  • Gamecube (Platinum)
  • Gamecube Controller (Black)
  • Gamecube Memory Card (251 Blocks)
  • PSone Memory Card
  • Dreamcast VMU (Green)
From Elsewhere:
  • A 4-shelf Metal Shelf
  • £26 Birthday Money
So I'm gonna be a little busy for a while, so Rossies 2 and ICW:Pixelmania development and everything else I'm working on is on hold. I have no idea when I'll be back.

I'm gonna let Steven take over untill I'm back.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 544 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 11 August 2010 | Comments (2)

I've recently found out how to convert me videos into HD, and since I've been having problems with the Gamerstorm Intro and Outro videos, I decided to remake the, and put in HD, not that it makes any major differance, but the option was there, so I might as well.

Intro Video in HD:

Outro Video in HD:

I've also made a playlist, showcasing all of the Gamerstorm presents videos, and all the versions:

So, what do ya think? Not too much of an inprovement, is it?

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 624 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 29 June 2010 | Comments (0)

Remember when Gamerstorm was good, as in, when it had a nice layout, it was all organised, and it celibrated special occasions, such as christmas, with differant layouts? Yeah, those were the days! That was when Steven was still around, shame he quit.

Good news! Steven has Returned! After 2 years, of me being on my own, messing up the site trying to fix it, p*ssing off exisiting visitors trying to attract more.

Although his reason of his leaving in the first place is basicly all my fault, I acted like a d*ck towards him for adding more review pages for certain consoles, forgetting to check why, we had an arguement, then he quit. I remember after that I saw the origonal Review page and it having differant links in bullet point form, you can imagine how I felt at that point.

The main thing is though, he's back, helping me clean up the mess I caused for these past 2 years, and this time, (hopefully) I won't be as bad of a guy, he can add/remove what he wants, just as long as he has a reason.

Attachments: Image 1
Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 628 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 25 June 2010 | Comments (0)

We're back, FINALLY! We've decided to rearrange to games section of the site, and add an e-magazine section. In the games section, you can now search a game by platform and the E-Magazine section, is about, well, the official Gamerstorm e-magazine, which will be coming soon. They're not finished, but they'll do.

Also, I've pretty much finished the ICW Season 2 Wii vs. NES Request on Scratch, just need to record it and redub it into a video format, and uplaod it to youtube, so expect a new video from me sometime this week. Speaking of, I havn't made a video in quite a while, and I've been getting alot of subscribers lately (I have 118 as I type this), So I thought, Since they're wanting a new videos from me (at least I think they want new videos from me and not that they subscribe just for sub4subs) I'll give them some.

That's all I have to say right now...

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 553 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 23 June 2010 | Comments (0)

I've downloaded a visual C# add-on by microsoft called "XNA Game Studio" (3.1) Which allows me to create proper Windows and Xbox 360 games, and I'm taking a tutorial as I type this, and it's pretty exiting, now I'm able to make proper 2D and 3D games.
Although it's almost as hard as waiting for a PS3 game to load without losing your patience, I'm willing to do it, this isn't some games-made-easy program, no, this is more-a-less the real deal! I'm able to make real games, I just need to know how! I can't wait to get started, this is almost my dream come true, only thing left, is a console. Well, I hear there is going to be a build your own PC course at Metropolitan...

Anyway, back on topic, my good friend CARBUNCLES!!! (Yeah, his internet name is spelt like that) has offered to do the graphics for me, if he can get into a course, I will try and get a part-time prospectus for this year for him, there's already a full-time one, so I'm sure a part-time version isn't far behind...

This can also be helpful, becuase it means I learn how to work as a team, sure, now I won't get all the money I earn, but since CARBUNCLES!!! would've worked hard doing the graphics, it's only right to give him some, We'll probably talk about it when I return to school from my Exam-leave.... (I've noticed I seam to have a habit of ending every sentence with the 3 dots, as if they've to be continued.)

Wait, but who said I'll be getting any money? Y'now, you've got a good point! At first, all my games will probably be free, but as time goes on, I'll probably charge for them (However, I MIGHT (keyword, "MIGHT") make a "Friend of Cobra!'s" Discount of 99.9%, (lol... ?)) Well, I might be sounding like another Kaz Harai here, and I apologise if I do, I don't make the games for the money, I make them it because I enjoy it, whether or not they actually turn out decent.
So in conclusion: Expect better graphics, better sound, better gameplay, more content and over all more action in my future games.

I will however finish off any Scratch games I'm currently Working on, then I'll probably cease making games for it... 

Oh, and one more thing! I'd like to give a shout out to our good friends over at Digimantis. The website was created by a friend of mine, Wrath Oskvro (the link is to his personal site, yeah, he's got two) who I've met at the RadioSEGA IRC chatroom during an episode of SegaAges. They've recently made a rather intresting article about reviving old consoles, I'm in total agreement with their opinions. Well, I hope he makes more articles like that. (No pressure, by the way, lol) Well, I defenetly reccomend you check out his site, it's certainly more organised than mine, and you could say it has better text-based content.
Wow, longest article in a long time!
Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 1172 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 31 May 2010 | Comments (2)

Accoridng to a "how much is your site worth" website, my Website (This one obviusly) is worth $8 Million! (£5.68 Million!) and it says I have 40,000 visitors day, I find that very hard to belive but- y'now what, check it yourself, the widget thing if you don't belive me, it's at the bottom of this page....
Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 627 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 30 April 2010 | Comments (0)

Since everyone else are making their "Search Stories", I thought I'd do my own, so, here it is:
Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 627 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 15 April 2010 | Comments (0)

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