I know that CARBUNCLESS!!! is making an updated version, but since the origonal I made was as glichy as anything, I thought I'd fix it and censor it in a way that it won't offend
Updates Will include: A Soundtrack of 8 songs, 4 Of them the Doom Level 1 Theme in Differant Versions and the other 4 are fast paced kinda-fitting tracks that I just really like the listen to, all will be played at random order. (however the first song will always be one of the doom ones and the second onwards will be any song) All Glitches Taken Out Updated Rossies Logo Full Screen (As In Covering The Entire Screen of the game) Dialog A Real Ending (All I Need a Picture of Emporer Yunki Dead, Anyone Have Any?) Some More and Updated Mainstreamer/Ned Quotes Anything Mentioning the word "Mainstreamer(s)" (That Excludes "Mainstreamer Slime") Will be Replaced By "Neds" Except the 3rd Page OF The Dailog Where it'll Say "Mainstream/Ned Pupils" "Mainstreamer Slime" Will be replaced by ""Deliquent" Slime"
Hope you Guys Understasnd Why I'm Doing This, although I'm basicly beat a dead horse with a stick with stick with this game, I promise this'll be the last update from me and a final update by our good friend CARBUNCLES!!!
As For Rossies 3D I have an Idea of Using Blitz 3D to make it, it's gonna be tricky, but I'll Give it a Shot, Think I should? Well, If I don't Succeed, I'll go back to doing it on scratch.
That's It Really.