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For those who have been following us for years (there's probably no one left!) will be familiar with Region-Free Console Wrestling (RCW), it was called International Console Wrestling (ICW) back then is that helps ring a bell.

For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, you can check the RCW section of our "About Us/History" Page, that has everything covered, if you want to watch the videos: Click Here.

"What about it?" You may be asking, well, Saturday (April 21st) will mark RCW's 5th anniversary! Even though there hasn't been anything RCW related made in 3 years, I want to do something special for it's 5th birthday, or at least something for that matter, big or small, I'm going to do something for it's 5th birthday, mark my words! Problem is, I don't even know what I could do...

Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 888 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 18 April 2012 | Comments (0)

Me and steven have been talking, and we've decided it's time to change ICW's name once again, as 'ICW' has already been taken by 'International Championship Wrestling', and since WWE's got sued for a similar name before, we didn't want it to happen to us, so from this day on you will know ICW as... 'Region-Free Console Wrestling' or 'RCW' or 'RFCW'. I'm am pretty confident that no one has taken this, because I'm very sure that no real wrestling organisations would put "Region-Free" in their name, and it's more fitting to the series as now that title has more to do with gaming. (you know, the whole region lock thing?)

Don't like the name change, I never though I'd say this, but tough! I'm sorry, but we would have to change the name at some point, because ICW's been taken, this will mean we get a lower chance of getting sued, I hope you guys can understand.
Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 766 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 14 November 2010 | Comments (0)

Gamerstorm is going VHS Style! I found that on Windows Movie Maker, you can make your videos VHS quality! And being the retrohead I am, I say hell yeah to idea, so that's what I'm gonna do from now on, not just for the novelty, but also the file size is MUCH smaller, there's no reason for me NOT to do it.

Requested By: Anderson9132

This is a request by Anderson9132, I was a year or 2 late, but at least I got there in the end, so if you're watching this, enjoy.

Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 802 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 10 October 2010 | Comments (0)

This is a request by Anderson9132, I was a year or 2 late, but at least I got there in the end, so if you're watching this, enjoy.
Scratch Project

Youtube Version Coming Soon...

Also, another announcement, this is gonna be the last ICW Video I will make in a LONG time, I'm getting tired of Youtube, I wanna start a new life, I don't wanna be on my computer staring at the Youtube homepage all day, I wanna go outside more. So with that, I leave you with this, kind of a way of saying goodbye, don't worry though, I'll still go on Youtube, but not as much as I used to.

Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 863 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 26 August 2010 | Comments (0)

Well, it's been 2 years since That Guy With The Glasses Opened up his website and since He11sing920 opened up his youtube channel, didn't think they'd make it thay far? I knew they would, because they're MUCH more popular than my series: ICW, which today is it's 3rd birthday. Incase you didn't know, like my Offical Rossies game, when it first came out, to some extent it was popular, it was something new(ish), and entertaining. Unfortunetly, like the Rossies games series, the whole Novelty wore off after a year, and no one gave a damn anymore, almost as if it was a mini-fad.
This year, it's been VERY thin on the ground. As of yet, I've never made anything ICW related, infact, come to think of it, apart from the Kruncrarian Translator, I havn't made ANYTHING Gamerstorm related. I have a felling that ICW isn't gonna last much longer, no one ever talks about it like they used to, the small fanbase it actually once had is gone, they've moved on, and maybe, I should too.
However, I will finish off all the ICW projects I'm working on, after that, I might consider ending it, I'm basicly beating a dead horse with a stick here guys, at this point no one's gonna miss it, or remember it. This isn't the usual short-burst-of-extreme-depression-which-convinces-me-to-close-the-site (or SBOEDWCMTCTS For short) kinda moment, this is the real thing.
So, last projects coming out shall be:
  • ICW Live Action 4 [Movie] - I don't have much info as of yet, and anything that I do have, I'm gonna keep secret, I want it to be a surprise, However, this may not be released, if it isn't I'll tell you, and if it is, you'd find out anyway...
  • ICW - Season 2: Request 2 - Wii vs. NES [Movie] - This was Requested By anderson9132, He describes it as "Old vs. New", it was origonally set to be released today to celibrate ICW's 3rd Birthday, Unfortunetly, I have to delay it for quite a bit, because I accedently forgot to save due to an ingenious design by Microsoft where in Windows Vista, you can only install a file by restarting your computer, I was restarting my computer to install a game (if you want details, Hard Time by MDickie), and I forgot to save it, so all the hard work I put into it today (which is alot) is gone...
  • ICW: Polygonomania [Game] - Basicly, an Extended version of the fighing section of "ICW: The RPG", because all the feedback for the game that I got say that the fighing was the best part, so I decided to extend it, add more characters, more moves, more arenas, etc. Should be out by the end of the year.
  • The best of ICW [DVD] - I've decided since this might be the end of ICW and that I have a ton of spare DVDs, I thought I'd make a "Best of ICW" DVD, containig, of course, the best ICWs.
  • ICW: Collector's DVD [DVD] - I though I'd make another one containg EVERY ICW ever made! Several Copies shall be made, however there's a slim chance they might not be sold, just given to friends and family, but who cares, no one will ever know about them because no one ever visits this site. You might be thinking "Why would I want to buy DVD containg a series of something I can watch on Youtube for free?" Well, simply for in the future when you look back on ICW (if you ever do) when it's no longer available on Youtube, heck Youtube might not even be around by then, and you'll have the DVD to watch. Kinda like the Digimon Anime, since it's not on TV anymore, and probably won't be on youtube for much longer, just buy the DVD which lasts longer.
After all that, it might be all over, an era would have ended, if this is so, consider theese final projects as ICWs way of saying goodbye...
Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 813 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 21 April 2010 | Comments (0)

Phew! Finally! It Took Me Months to make (seriously, I've been working on it since I think november last year) And seeing the comments it got, it paid off!
note: The FIghting Game May be laggy
Here it is, the demo of ICW: the RPG!:
Here's The Trailer On Youtube:
Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 1064 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 03 August 2009 | Comments (0)

That's Right The What I Hope, Will Be The Most Epic Gamerstorm Title Since The Rossies Game! ICW: The RPG!
Basicly As The Title Suggests, It's an RPG, Before You Say "Well That Sucks!" or "That's Retarded!" Read What I Have To Say:
Basicly, It's Kinda Like Shenmue, You have things to investigate, things to buy, that stuff.
Now due to scratch's space and my overall lazyness, it's gonna be realeased in parts, how many parts I don't know myself, I'll make it up as I go along
So you can play as 5 consoles (you change via clicking your character), The Saturn, PS1, N64, Dreamcast and Gamecube (My Favourate Consoles), and some scenes require a certain console (like nintendo related scence reqquire the N64 or Gamecube, and fighting scenes require Dreamcast etc. (I need to think of a use for the Saturn and PS1)), again like shenmue and the pokemon games, you can talk to people and at times get rewards.
Here're Some Screenshots Of The Game:
(BTW, at the 2nd screenshot, as it says, the background is only temprary, I'm still getting round to designing the final version)
As you might've guessed, they're fighting scenes, but unlike most RPGs, it's not turn-based, no! It's Mortal Kombat Styled!
Here's a Screenshot:
(Life bars will be differant in the final version)
So Yeah, I'm gonna work REALLY hard on this game, y'now,l a good and somewhat popular franchise needs a good game, right?
If I ever build up any hype, I just hope this won't send like rise of the robots (as in hyped up aslot and turned out sh*tty)
But yeah, that's all the info I can give you right now
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Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 939 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 18 July 2009 | Comments (0)

Y'now most of my games and 2D mostly top view Scratch Games (e.g. Armystorm, R.C. Rampage), Well, This One Will be taking it a step further, actually more than a whole staircase further, I will make it a 3D Wrestling Game, I'm studying codes for Blitz 3D and I'l be making 3D models using Google Sketchup 7, well, basicly, taking other models (Don't worry, all credit will be given to those who made them), and editing them, but I'm not that lazy to do that with all models, only for the concept and the ring itself I'll be doing it (my nerves can only handle the fustrating Sketchuo for so long, so I better not do anything fancy then), Everything else Including The Consoles, the stadium, the crowd,  the banisters, the commentator boxes, the commentators themselves etc. I will do myself, I've already started Develoment, Here're a few early picture, a showcase of the arena and the dreamcast, that's all I've done so far though:
Here's the Arena so far, of course the ring and the concept are copyright their respective owners:
and Here's a Close up of the Concept:
And Here's The Dreamcast I've done So far, why did you put it on it's back instead of the base like normal, you may ask? well in ICW consoles like these stand of their back upright as if they were humans, 'nuff said!:
So, They;re the Origonal Things, Check Them Out!
So, That's All I Have For Now...
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Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 902 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 05 May 2009 | Comments (0)

I Entered ICW On Screwattack's New contest called "Do your vids not suck?" And Basicly this is gonna give the unsucessful/little guys who have made a very good series, such as myself, a chance to go big, and the winner, will have the videos watched by thousads, possibly millions! but there's a catch (kinda) it's gotta be good quality (duh!) it's gotta be a good vid (again, duh!) and for you not to be lazy and upload vids every month at the very most, so I'm gonna get up from my PINGAS! and finally  get to work for them for if I win, all of that hard work for 2 years and hard work to come, will (finally) pay off! This Is ICW's Chance to finally go big! Here's Their Contest Video For Details:
Of Course if we DON'T win, I'll pay full respect for the one(s) who did, I hope you're series will none but awesome, good luck to you all! (now I fell as though I'm hosting the contest (lol... I guess...))
Wow, TWWVG, Dailymotion and now this? 2009 is a surprisingly good year for us (I thank Jason Small for noticing, TBH I didn't notice myself (no joke/sarcasm, I honestly didn't notice), thanks Jason!), we seam to be picking back up, getting more than our friends to visit the site/watch our videos, and hope to get those friends who've lost intrest, intrested again, best hopes for that eh?
Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 884 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 27 April 2009 | Comments (0)

UPDATE: It's only on the UK Dailoymotion Homepage
Do My Eyes Decive Me!? Do I See MY Video on the Dailymotion Homepage!? I don't Belive it! Here, Have a Look:
Ok, so it's not too much, but then again Youtube just put partner videos on their homepage, which proves that dailymotion REALLY do care for THEIR customers, since this whole "hulutube" thing is gonna come to effect, this is dailymotion's perfect chance to steal their visitors, and by this I don't mean my video.
Anyway, you might think it's fake, well, visit the site and prove me wrong (BTW just a warning I took that shot erlier, it's still there, but a different screenshot, since I changed it erlier) because my apparently "disabled" autistic brain cells me that's MY video on the hompage, ok, I'm being a bit cocky and overexited, and that tommorrow, it's gonna be a differant video, but for now, YAY!
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Category: Region-Free Console Wrestling | Views: 899 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 22 April 2009 | Comments (0)

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