Street Fighter, a popular fighting game series has made a fourth street fighter game!
Street Fighter is a popular fighting game with cool fighting systems like the obvious combos, Super Moves, High Jump, Ultra Moves and even a new system called the Save System!!
Stree fighter will also return their characters from previous Street Fighter games like the Ansatuken fighter Ryu, the American soldier Guile, the god of Muay Thai Sagat and the Wrestling Russian superstar Zangief.
There are also new charaters introduced to the series like the French Martial Artist Abel,
the female American fighter C.Viper and a luchador called El Fuerte!
This game has 3d graphics but with 2d gameplay!
It is unkown when the arcade version of the game will be released but it may be in 2008!
Here are some videos to satisfy you people!
And some pics as well:
That will be all for now!!
Sir_De_Wario Spinning Piledrivers outta here!!!