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Main » 2009 » July » 11
I absolutely loved the origonal games, so just in case it's not obvious, I'm quite exited about the remake, don't faint just yet, it's not exactly a new game here I'm looking forward to...
Here're the covers and logos for the games:
So anyway, from what I've seen so far, it looks pretty awesome, I remember back in the day playing the origonal silver, I loved it, you can do so much more than yellow (which was also an awesome game), and they're giving the remake daimond/peral/platinum styled graphics, you can have all 250 pokemon follow (yes, they're only 250 in gold/silver, the others are only tradable in the remake, which I guess no one will do, because we (at least *I*) want gold/silver, not daimond/peral) realy, the only thing that bothers me (and it bothers me alot) is that you can get one of the 3 main 4th gen legends, which if given the coice, I'll cancel and forget it, I'm not having ne of those, they're ugly as heck (not that looks matter anyway), and they've got the unfair advantage of controling time and space (wtf!?) when playing 2 player, I could honestly go on ranting about them, but thankfully, I heard they could be event only, let's just hope they are...
Here're Some Screenshots and Videos looks pretty aweome, eh?:
Also, at least in japan, It'll come with the "pedonometer" (correct me if I'm wrong), which is one of those things that sounds your steps as you walk, and what you can do is, transer one of your pokemon, and as you walk, you're also helping that pokemon, pretty cool eh?
Here's a pic of it:
Although if you've seen what I've been favourating lately (is there anyone who honestly has?) you'll know that I'm more into Digimon (the first 2 seasons anyhow, I hated season 3 and onwards), I've got some nostalgia with pokemon as well, especially gold and silver (yes, I had both), so I'm probably gonna get this soul silver! as it's probably my only chance to (kinda) play an old game with my friends again.
So I'm kinda looking forward to this...
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Category: Gaming News | Views: 839 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 10 July 2009 | Comments (0)

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