I'll be taking a break (quite a long break) from nmaking stuff, of course, Pyxma- I mean Christmas is coming, and I'm getting a load of Games, Mostly Wrestling Ones (WCW Mayhem (PS1), WWE Wrestlmanaia XIX, WWE Day of Reckoning and WWE Raw 2 (Xbox)) So yeah, I'll be a tad busy playing them, so, yeah, It's not like you givee a crap about me and my stuff anyway.
BTW, The Rossies Game Got Corrupt on my laptop, best hopes the school won't be erasing the file (but judging my luck, It probably will), so if they do, I have no choice but to cancel it because I have spent hours on that game, and I'm NOT willing to do it again!
But, Anyways, Merry Pyxmas/Christmas and a Happy new Torso/Year