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Main » 2010 » December » 13
We're back for another review, this time we're taking a look at SegaGt for the Sega Dreamcast, I actually found this review in my documents, I ditched a long time ago, so I decided to dig it up, finish it, and upload it, so here it is:

Sega GT was developed by Sega’s AM1, or "WOW Entertainment” for the Dreamcast back in 2000, it was meant to compete with Gran Turismo 2, but unfortunately didn’t sell as well, so like many other Dreamcast games released in 2000, it got a sequel on the Xbox, and nothing after.

I‘m mainly going to compare this game to Gran Turismo 2, as it‘s very hard NOT to.

While Sega GT may not have as much to offer as Gran Turismo 2, it’s still a VERY solid racing game, in fact I prefer Sega GT, and it’s not just because it’s made by Sega.

The graphics are pretty average for a Dreamcast game, so by default it looks better than Gran Turismo 2, although there isn’t anything else to say.

The Gameplay is very much the same as Gran Turismo 2, the only difference is, R is for accelerating, and L is for the brakes, that’s pretty much it.

Like in Gran Turismo, Sega GT has a licensing system, they are 4 classes, Extra, B, A and SA. Luckily, easier to get than in Gran Turismo 2, just complete a lap under a certain time, that’s it. Although that might be a bit TOO easy, I got all 4 on less than an hour.

Also like Gran Turismo, Sega GT has licensed cars from all the main manufacturers such as Audi, Nissan, Fiat, Ford, Peugeot etc. There isn’t as many cars as there is in Gran Turismo, as you might expect, however, it has this one feature, and this alone would me take this over Gran Turismo any day, the Car Factory, you get to MAKE your own car, how AWESOME is that? Although it’s not as great as you’d think, it’s not like Need For Speed Underground 2 (Great, not I’m bringing NFSU2 into this) where you can put vynals and decals on it, or put different lights, hoods, roof scopes, spoilers etc. all you can do in this is choose engine parts in it, and colour your car a small selection of colours, but it‘s still alright, I mean, considering it’s meant to be about to actual racing, it’s not that bad, I mean you can at least actually NAME your car. Perhaps one day, they can remake it or make a sequel, and vastly expand on this feature.

At first, you can only make Extra class cars, to make anything bigger, you need to obtain Factory licences, yes, this game has 2 licences, this one’s a little more traditional though, there are 5 tests, same rules as the racing licence, beat the given time, and you pass the test, but you have to do it with the car you’ve built. Although you can cheat by tuning your car, making it lighter, etc., in fact, it effects the actual racing as well, I built a B class car, and in an open race with mostly A and/or SA car, I can lap them all with it.

Speaking of open races, let’s talk about the actual racing, you can choose to play in class specific tournaments and open races, open races is where any car from any class can compete, hence the name, win the open races and the host of that race will become your sponsor, for example, there’s a McDonalds open race, once you win that, McDonalds will be your sponsor, so every race you win after that, you get a fraction more from your sponsor, and you can get multiple sponsors, so it’s best to play a alot of open races first, just to get the sponsors. I’m not sure of the limit , but I have 4 sponsors, when I win a tournament, and I get, say, 10,000 Credits, and then I get 500 more from each sponsor, so in total, that’s 12,500 credits, and if you won first place every race, that’s another 100 odd credits for each race, you also get a chain bonus for it, let’s not forget the bonus for placing first in the qualifiers, in other words, keep coming first, and you’ll get ALOT!

The game’s compatible with the rumble pack, but whatever you do, don’t set it to "Engine", because all as great the rumble pack is, it's oretty noisy, and when it's set to engine, it constantly vibrates, so all you'll hear in a race is the rumble pack, unless you put the TV up full blast, this is minor, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

The music and sound effects are nothing special, there aren’t any particular tracks I remember and constantly request on RadioSEGA, even if there was, RadioSEGA doesn’t have any Sega GT tracks anyway, so that sucks.

Graphics: 4/5 - They look better than Gran Turismo 2 but for a Dreamcast game, it’s nothing special.
Gameplay: 4/5 - It’s not as good as Gran Turismo, but it’s still great.
Sound: 3/5 - Nothing Special.
Replay Value: 4/5 - I keep coming back to it mainly for the Car Factory.
Overall: 3.75/5 - Overall, it’s a decent game, not good enough for some to compete with the Gran Turismo series, but it’s a great game on it’s own, and personally prefer this just for the Car Factory, but that’s just me.
Category: Other Series | Views: 557 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 12 December 2010 | Comments (0)

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