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Main » 2011 » October » 02

It's been almost 2 months since our last post, sorry if youse thought we were dead, because we aren't!

In those 2 months though, I managed to finish off Issue 1 of the Keno the cat Chronicles comic, if youse want to read it, go visit the official Keno the cat website.

Oh yeah! Speaking of, the official Keno the cat website is now up! To make things better, I've actually revealed a bit of the story on the site, so if youse want to check that out, go there now!

Oh and one last thing, notice anything different about this post than any other post? Well, of course you did! Keno now gets his own category in the news page! ...Alright, it isn't that exiting, but for the sake of completion, it's here.

Alright, you're probably wondering why we weren't active for a month, well, the reason is... we haven't done anything significant, nothing worth posting, and honestly, there's nothing else to it, that was really because half of the month, I was still waiting for the desk to be built, and trust me, that was a lot of hassle, and you know how you'd be on a break/holiday, you know how hard it is to get back to your usual progress if you know what I mean? Yeah, I felt like that, so I really didn't do much at all, sorry guys, I promise I'll work much harder next time, if I don't, fell free to send me death threats.

Category: Other Series | Views: 1556 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 01 October 2011 | Comments (0)

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