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Main » 2011 » December » 03

I just can't meet a deadline to save my life, can I?

A day after it was meant to come out, page 4 of the comic is out.

Why did it take so long? Well, an interesting answer, really. Yesterday, we were putting up the Christmas tree, and today, I was actually going to a primary school reunion, which I totally forgot about. I met friends I haven't seen, or talked to, in years, it was great, they changed so much, then again, so have I, I guess. This time, I made sure to get all of my friends' email addresses, just so I can keep in contact with them.

Anyway, after those, I finished off the comic and here we are.

...He flicked the switch to 'off', but it did not work as Arc was still being electrocuted, then, it exploded, destroying the base, and possibly killing the two Scientists...

Now that that's done, I'm going to start on it's front cover, because frankly, it's been updated for too long without one, problem is, what can I draw?

After I do that, I'll start on the Christmas special of it, and I know Exactly what I can do for that...

Category: Keno the Cat | Views: 768 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 02 December 2011 | Comments (0)

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