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Main » 2011 » April » 21 » Development plans for Rossies 2 have changed.
Development plans for Rossies 2 have changed.
10:25:56 PM

Since we're way behind schedule on Rossies 2, over a month behind it's initial release, I fell I have to make changes to plans for the game to speed up production.

  1. First off, I am not going to do FMVs in the game, for several reasons:

    1. My mouse broke, and the program I'm using (Blender) requires a mouse that has a scroll wheel, and it is unknown as of yet when it will be replaced.
    2. I have yet to master the program itself, so that would take a while.

    So we can't afford to wait for all those problems to be fixed, so we're going to leave it, instead, we're just going to have pictures with text, like the original. Whether or not a patch will be released with FMVs will be released after the game is another story, but we can't do it now.

  2. The person that was going to do the sprites and designs for the game is a little busy at the moment, he's forming a band with a few friends in school, and at this moment, we can't afford to wait for him, so I decided to do the sprites, designs, the story etc. myself.

And I promise that I will work harder and longer on the game, because I seriously got to get my act together.

With all this out of the way, hopefully, we will at least see a game demo by the end of the month.

Category: Other Series | Views: 635 | Added by: Cobra | Rating: 0.0/0
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