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Main » 2010 » June » 23 » First Impressions on the new Goldeneye, and Obscure Game Reviews: a good idea?
First Impressions on the new Goldeneye, and Obscure Game Reviews: a good idea?
4:26:43 PM
I've just heard that they're gonna remake Goldeneye and me and Steven (an ex-worker for this site) have been talking about it, and I wanna have my say on it in article form.

Knowing me as a retro gamer, you'll probably be expecting me to say it's gonna suck and to tell you to get the origonal. Well, I won't be jumping to a conclusion THAT quickly, I'll go into a bit of detail about it, I have grown a love of making unessesaryly long articles, heheh...

Ok, my opinion based on what I've seen and heard so far, it's very mixed, I'm gonna explain why in detail, expect a little ranting in the process, because that's what I'm best at, even at that, I go too far sometimes.

First off, What is Daniel Craig doing in it!? He Wasn't in the movie! I know that he's the latest bond and that Peirce Bronson doesn't work for those guys anymore, but they should at least TRY and get him in the game legally. I'm not hating on Daniel Craig, I respect him and I think he's good at playing as James Bond, but it's not a good idea to put him in the game.

Second, They're modifying the story and levels, Why? They might as well the Reboot the movie as well then, because they have to realise the game's based on a 15 year old movie, you can't just change the story, sure, the origonal game did the same thing, but at least it was more a loess the same plot, they just gave James Bond even more screen time, I understand that it's no good if it's gonna be an exact replica of the origonal, but I don't think they should go to extreme measures to avoid doing so. here's a picture of a level 1 comparison between the origonal and the remake.

Yeah, big change, isn't it?

As for the Gameplay, Well, they only showed what the game might look like, and from what I've seen, the gameplay looks NOTHING like the origonal, it looks like another Call of Duty, I know they're trying to appeal to those "Hardcore" gamers, but this has personally put me off buying it, unless they're gonna make it optioinal.

The last thing I wanna talk about, and for most of you guys this is only a minor complaint but... NO SLAPPERS! Ok, I'm not too sure about this one, after me and Steven saw the "Melee only" button, we figured that it's gonna be punches and kicks, what fun is that? Bring back the slappers! Even today, we play the origonal Goldeneye and play a Liscenced to kill slappers only games, it's always a laugh, and we even created an in-joke that slappers are indestructable and can go through anything and kill anyone.

Personally, I think as a remake, this is gonna be a disaster, however, I'm intrested to see how it turns out, but with all that is said above, It's never gonna be as good as the origonal, so that concludes by thought on the game so far, and basicly, yes, I AM gonna tell you to get the origonal: go on Amazon or Ebay, and get it!

I thank you guys for wasting your time reading this!

One last thing, do you think I should be doing Game reviews? Not of games that everyone's heard of such as Super Mario World, Street Fighter 2 or Mortal Kombat Trilogy. I mean Games, that didn't do as well in terms of sales are therefore rare and collectable. For example, Ever Heard of Fighters Megamix? Ressurection: Rise 2? Firebugs? XII? Blinx the Time Sweeper? Headhunter? Most likely not, these are all games that have flopped and have been forgotten, also rare games that people HAVE heard of Such as Shenmue 2 on Dreamcast and Sonic Jam. In Other words, I'd be doing games that no many people have played. Do you guys think this is a good idea? Comment on the article, email me or send me a message on facebook.

Category: Gaming News | Views: 736 | Added by: Cobra | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Steven  
I have to agree with you there, Cobra!, what a mistake it is having Daniel Craig rather than Pierce Brosnan! angry Most of the stuff you mentioned leads me to believe that this is going to be a massive disappointment.

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