ok, speedy lost his splash page because AVG thought it was a virus and removed it, Proves how stupid some anti-virus programs can get, anyway I made a splash page that'll have to do the now, it's cool this one anyway, right?
anyway, I added Vechtor Wars to our awesome video series on the video page, it's a series made by Crazy_Fox where in WWF No Mercy [N64] he made some Mortal Kombat Characters and Record matches and he comontated himself.
At some point today, 20th January, the other stuff page will become available, with a few JavaScript generators and hopefully one of the first generators to be added will be a story generator in which you input your name and sex and a random story will be produced!
There'll be more than JavaScript generators on the other stuff page, coming soon.
Coming soon will be an automatic system which will delete accounts with 6 months of inactivity. You will receive an email if this is the case and you will have the choice to recover it.
A new, moderator and administrator only chatbox has been added on the left hand side of the site on every page, under the all user chatbox. It will only appear if you are signed in as a moderator or administrator.
Right, we had a person spamming our comment boxes with vulgular comments that are nasty and unpleasent.
We banned the person afterwards.
So please. If you are going to comment on the arcade games after getting a high score. Do not post vulgular comments or anything else nasty.... Or else it will be you.
By clicking the link near the Gamerstorm logo which takes you to the account settings page, you can now click the aproppriate link to take you to a page to fill out a form in order to receieve a reminder.