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We are currently experiencing a problem with the download server we're using, they've suspended my account because of my inactivity. Why should this concern you? Well, it means that you can't start up the Rossies 2 demo, if you downloaded it recently and found it it isn't starting up, this is why. We'll try and resolve this problem as soon as we can

Next item on the agenda, this site really hasn't been active lately, in fact it's been exactly a month since our last post, well, the reason being is because nothing's really been happening here, all I've been doing is making sprites for Rossies 2, and that's not worth posting for, and Stevenmca has been busy with his Steam games, and, again, that's not worth posting for. So you see, we really don't have anything TO post, we'll actually try and do something remotely exiting, how about that?

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 549 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 21 June 2011 | Comments (0)

Okay, I've promised that the Rossies 2 demo will come out by the end of April, and it never came, and I never said a word about it since (unless you watch me on DeviantART) and the site had been pretty much dead for half a month, and I think you guys deserve an explanation.

I have several reasons for the absence, one of them is Portal 2, I recently got it and I am seriously addicted to it, I just don't want to stop playing, it's a fantastic game.

Another reason, and this one is actually important, is that my exams are coming up, although one of them I've already done, I've been busy studying for my exams to worry about the site or the Rossies 2 demo, I think we all agree that my exams are far more important.

As for the Rossies 2 Demo, well, the demo is actually done, the problem is publishing it, everything I try don't work out, when I try installing the game on another computer, it just doesn't play, I'm in the middle of fixing it. To make up for the delay, I'm going to add an update system, so the game checks for updates, so you won't have to go back to this site to check if a later version has come out, as you might of guessed, this will also be in the full game, why wouldn't it?

So that's my excuse, I seriously apologise for all this, I'm going to seriously pick up the pace and get Rossies 2 out there into the world, right after my exams...

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 546 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 12 May 2011 | Comments (0)

I've been thinking for a good while now, the Gamerstorm website hasn't has many views lately, in fact, not many people have even heard of us, and that's got me thinking, what's the point in working on this site? I spent weeks making the site, and half of my time is spent working on this site "improving" it, but no one visits it, is it really worth it?

I'm afraid this also means that Rossies 2 and Rossies Classic is cancelled, and my dream of becoming a games developer have shattered, ah well, the games were going to suck anyway.

*sigh*, I guess I'm just not cut out to be in the games industry, I spend months making a very simple game, one that will take any other developer a few days to make, I'm just a lazy b*stard! You know?

So I guess this is goodbye, we didn't last that long, but it was definitely fun, I'm going to miss this site...

R.I.P. Gamerstorm: 21st September 2011 - 1st April 2011.

In case it wasn't obvious, this was an April fools, funnily enough, some people actually fell for this, I would've thought the end date in the "R.I.P Gamerstorm" would've gave it away, but apparently not.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 559 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 01 April 2011 | Comments (0)

This is probably the first time we've ever had 2 posts on the one day, but I feel this was worth mentioning.

Also, you may or may not have noticed that it's pretty much just me on the site, posting all of the updates, despite having 2 people in the staff section on the "About Us" page, well, it's simply because the other guy (Stevenmca), know little to no HTML, and the new site is built completley with HTML, with a little Javascript. However, he has agreed to be in charge of the this website. It's just to give him something to do, he will be adding some cool pages and news articles to the site I'm very sure, more intresting that mine anyway.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 647 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 26 March 2011 | Comments (0)

We've now got a DevientART group, you might be thinking "Why on earth would you want to create a deviantART group for Gamerstorm? What's the point?", well I've noticed alot of other websites also have a deviantART groups as well, so I thought I might as well create one for Gamersstorm as well.

What you'll be mostly seeing here are concept arts for future games and if you're lucky, screenshots, and maybe fan-art as well, if there's any of our products, which they probably won't be.

You can visit the DeviantART group by clicking here!

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 569 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 26 March 2011 | Comments (0)

I thought I'd post an update saying that we now have a Facebook Fanpage! The link is:

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 588 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 12 March 2011 | Comments (0)

After ages, I can finally confirm a realease date for Rossies 2 and Rossies Classic, so mark your calenders for... the 16th March 2011! Now let's hope they'll be no delays or anything that can ruin the entire thing.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 525 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 31 January 2011 | Comments (0)

Yes folks, it's that time of the year again, my yearly hiatus (well, 2nd yearly hiatus, the other being on my birthday), where I take a short period of time off to enjoy a holiday, such as my birthday, or christmas, in other words, any time I get presents, great I feel as pathetic as Chris Chan when I say that...

Anyway, I maybe on hiatus untill January, untill then, if your lucky, I'll get that Christmade Manga I'm wanting to make be out before Christmas, if my EMA arrives in time, but that's about it, it's not like anybody cares anymore anyway, especially not in this time of year, where they'd be getting presents, of buying presents for their kids, or other relitives...

Anyway, see yous all in January.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 583 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 07 December 2010 | Comments (0)

As I'm going to get a few "how to draw manga" books from amazon with my EMA (For those outside the UK, it's "Educational Matainence Allowance", basicly, we get paid for staying on school!), I thought I might make a debut with my Keno the cat character and make a short christmas comic, it'll probably be only 4 panels, so I'm going into any detail.

Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 640 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 28 November 2010 | Comments (0)

Finally, the Gamerstorm forums are now open, chat with your (very few) fellow Gamerstorm fans and the staff as well, so head over there, regester, and chat, it's free, so why not? I've already made a few threads to get it started.


Category: Gamerstorm Updates | Views: 635 | Added by: Cobra | Date: 19 November 2010 | Comments (0)

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