Yup, I checked the all time summary, at the counter window (to get to it, click the counter) and according to the record, WE'VE HAD OVER 1400 VISITORS, NOW LET'S really party!!!
and as a celebration for it, we'll add a nexgen wars console sales at the main page. (scroll down)
We also added as a celebration, a new game, good old billiards! Go to the arcade.. NOW!!!
yup if you want updates be friends with me, I only accept the trusted requests, because it's getting so frikken annoying when they post p*rn comments and be friends with you just to spam your inbox ARGH!
there's goot be something in your profile that shows me that I can trust you
We've given the site a makeover for christmas, and it'll last until the 6th of January.
I also may as well say that I'm going to get to work on the 'Other Stuff' page, but until 6th Jan, that'll be the Christmas page where there'll be a fedw Christmassy things...
Mortal Stormhog, A crossover spoof of Sonic The Hedgehog and You've guessed it, Mortal Kombat, Yup I'm so big of a fan I can even make good spoof comics about them, I showed issue #0001 to speedTHedgehog it and he found the supposed-to-be-funny bits, funny. It's Exclusive to Gamerworld (It's a Website made my a website, hah! funny! Just Like MK Warehouse being made by Mortal Kombat Online.), Issue #0001 Is out soon... (To go to gamerworld, click the sonic club icon but it's not out yet)
I registered Gamerstorm to fredomain.co.nr so maybe our domain will become gamerstorm.co.nr but gamerstorm.ucoz.net is still usable, it'll redirect you to it so don't worry.
You will see the affiliate button (they forced us to put it there to get any chance of that domain).
I will do the same with the Gamerstorm forum, the ICW official website and maybe Mortal Stormbat and Hawkstorm.
Anyway, I got a Nintendo 64 emulator called Project 64 (Steven told me about it) and I got Mortal Kombat Trology with it. I will upload the file (MKT rom was origionally a 7z. file but I uncompressed it and put it in the folder and I will upload the folder If I can). It's coming soon to the file cataloge...
We'll (Me and Steven) will soon make a Retro Gaming Page.
I found the embed code of Sega News from The Sonic Staidum and soon I will add a raidio from raidio Sega in the otherstuff page when I find out how to do it -_-'